21st district

 Csepel City Centre HE, 1-3. ph.
 Csepel City Centre HE, 4. ph
 Csepel City Centre HE, 5. ph
 Táncsics str. HE
 Temesvári str. HE
 Királymajori HE
 Völgy str. HE
 Csillagtelepi HE
 Rakéta str. HE
 Erdősori HE
 Szentmiklósi str. HE

Csepel City Centre HE, 1-3. ph.
Period of construction: 1959-79
Number of dwellings: 3424


Csepel City Centre HE, 4. ph.
Period of construction: 1977-85
Number of dwellings: 3651


Csepel City Centre HE, 5. ph.
Period of construction: 1982-89
Number of dwellings: 3338

Táncsics str. HE
Period of construction: 1969-79
Number of dwellings: 725


Temesvári str. HE
Period of construction: app. 1965-75
Number of dwellings: 116


Kiálymajori HE
Period of construction: 1977-79
Number of dwellings: 1355


Völgy str. HE
Period of construction: 1949-66
Number of dwellings: 453


Csillagtelepi HE
Period of construction: 1954-67
Number of dwellings: 2186


Rakéta str. HE
Period of construction: 1986-88
Number of dwellings: 756


Erdősori str. HE
Period of construction: 1977-88
Number of dwellings: 2360


Szentmiklósi str. HE
Period of construction: 1970-79
Number of dwellings: 969